/ Undifined / What Does Insect Bite Mean and Look Like? Pests Vs Non-Biting

What Does Insect Bite Mean and Look Like? Pests Vs Non-Biting

 A bite is a small red mark on the skin caused by the biting action of an insect.

Also, it's a painful wound caused by the thrust of an insect's probe or stinger into skin.

First Aid to Use:

From what helps reduce pain and swelling;

  1. Elevate the arm or leg that get bitten.
  2. Rub skin with hydrocortisone cream(0.5-1.0%) , calamine lotion or a baking soda paste to the bite or sting several times daily until you feel comfortable and the itching go away.
  3. However, take Benadryl, an antihistamine to reduce itching.

When You Should Be Concerned About Insect Bites?

Inside US, Contact GP doctor or just call NHS 111 for advice when:

  • The symptoms after bite do not resolved within a few days or are getting worse.
  • You've been getting serious bites on face, or in your mouth or throat, or near your eyes.
  • The bite becomes big red swollen patches larger than 10cm on skin.
  • You worried so much about if the bite worsen.

Difference Between Bites and Stings

Sting is the doing and the tool of stinging,

it is a small sharp-pointed organ at the end of the abdomen of bees, wasps, ants, and scorpions, capable of inflicting a painful or dangerous wound by injecting poison.

When venomous insects sting your skin, they feel danger, also they injecting painful toxic venom through their stingers into your blood or skin, and may leave their stinger inside your skin.

In contrast, non-venomous insects do bite, means siphoning your blood as a meal by injecting a syringe-like organ and inject anti-coagulant spit, so they can easily feeding on your blood.

Both Bites and Stings may cause itching and redness, but venomous stings cause painful local allergic reactions with large swelling and big reddish areas like allergies.

Insects That Bite Humans (Biting Insects List)

Also Known as Pest Insects, according to Wikipedia classification;

  • Adersia
  • Aedes albopictus
  • Banded sugar ant
  • Bat bug
  • Bed bug
  • Black fly
  • Blandford fly
  • Cat flea
  • Ceratopogonidae
  • Chrysops caecutiens
  • Chrysops niger
  • Chrysops relictus
  • Cimex antennatus
  • Cimex hemipterus
  • Cimicidae
  • Culex
  • Culex annulirostris
  • Culex erythrothorax
  • Culex perfuscus
  • Culex sitiens
  • Culex tritaeniorhynchus
  • Culicoides bolitinos
  • Culicoides imicola
  • Dasychela
  • Deer fly
  • Diachlorus
  • Diachlorus ferrugatus
  • Dog flea
  • Echidnophaga gallinacea
  • Fire ant
  • Flea
  • Haematobia irritans
  • Highland midge
  • Horse-fly
  • Jack jumper ant
  • Lipoptena cervi
  • London Underground mosquito
  • Meat ant
  • Mosquito
  • Myrmecia (ant)
  • Myrmecia nigriceps
  • Myrmecia nigrocincta
  • Nosopsyllus fasciatus
  • Ochetellus glaber
  • Oriental rat flea
  • Polyctenidae
  • Prosimuliini
  • Pseudopulex
  • Red imported fire ant
  • Sandfly
  • Simuliinae
  • Simuliini
  • Simulium
  • Simulium yahense
  • Stable fly
  • Tabanomorpha
  • Tabanus
  • Tabanus autumnalis
  • Tabanus bovinus
  • Tabanus bromius
  • Tabanus cordiger
  • Tabanus darimonti
  • Tabanus eggeri
  • Tabanus glaucopis
  • Tabanus lineola
  • Tabanus maculicornis
  • Tabanus miki
  • Tabanus nigrovittatus
  • Tabanus quatuornotatus
  • Tabanus spodopterus
  • Tabanus sudeticus
  • Triatoma
  • Triatoma brasiliensis
  • Triatoma dimidiata
  • Triatoma gerstaeckeri
  • Triatoma indictiva
  • Triatoma infestans
  • Triatoma juazeirensis
  • Triatoma melanica
  • Triatoma nigromaculata
  • Triatoma protracta
  • Triatoma sanguisuga
  • Triatominae
  • Trichomyrmex destructor
  • Western corsair

What is the Pest?

Pests are destructive insects or animals that attacks humans, livestock as well as crops and foods. However some pests are beneficial and eat other harmful pest insects.
Examples: mosquitoes, rodents, and weeds

What Are Bugs?

The Differences Between a Bug And an Insect;

Scientists call it "True bug" if it use a stylet to suck plant juices, Stylet is a mouth shaped like a straw.

True bugs include insects such as leafhoppers, aphids, cicadas, stink bugs, water bugs and yes those pesky bed bugs. They have many of the same parts as other insects in that they have an exoskeleton, segmented bodies, and 6 legs. However, they are different than insects in other groups.


Insects belong to the class Insecta and they are characterized by three-part bodies, usually two pairs of wings, and three pairs of legs, (e.g., bees and mosquitoes). 

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