/ Undifined / Where Do Bed bugs Come From?

Where Do Bed bugs Come From?

 The answer need explanations about the places of bedbugs disappearance, or of where the bed bugs are hidden?

They hide in general in the cracks of rooms, walls, and holes also in which they are located, unfortunately they are found in places that are difficult to reach, or recognize them as they do not see with the naked eye because they are a very small insect and it has a flat body, which makes it difficult to big movement and makes them lazy move from one place to another place with ease.

You can also find these bed bugs inside electronic devices or even inside any cracks or holes, or even inside the holes in the bed, and the little holes that are inside them as they contain about eight to ten types of these bedbug regret inside those places.

Do bed-bugs fly? there, we have provided you with a set of the most important information and details about movement of bed bugs, as well as details of their ability to fly or jump even walk over long distances. Significantly and clearly you were well.

Where do the bedbugs come from?

Bed bugs live in caves a lot since they were founded and raised in caves where bats in the winter season are found in caves.
The bats drop their heads during their sleep at night, and then the bugs come to feed their blood as they hide and hide in the cracks and walls that exist in caves.

The bugs take advantage of the absence of bats in these caves and hide them and between the walls in particular, where they can enter their sleep for many years, making them able to withstand hunger for two years or more.

The bugs wake up and get out of their daily hibernation with ease when they feel the presence of humans in their hiding place due to getting new meals, including blood and proper and appropriate nutrition for them.

When the human appeared in the cave, the number of bugs developed and increased significantly and in a large quantity, and when the person moved from caves to urban areas, he brought with him large quantities of bugs, which found warmth, food, and the ability to face enemies in those places as I found a group of cracks, walls and caves to be able to hide with it.

The bugs appeared and moved to our lives after that, as it was able to reach the person, where he became accompanying to the human being with him just as they became living in a large way with us, and part of us prefers that some people rise as it is rare to bite and pinch both cats and dogs because they will be in need To face its own fur in order for it to bite properly.

Bed bugs are able to knit fabrics a lot since their feet contain sticky substances that work to cling to other places, and therefore they prefer to resort to fabrics and furniture rather than relying on the walls of caves in which they lived in the past.

It has spread widely in several different places, especially in North America, in different hotel rooms to house systems in particular, as it appeared from every place at the beginning of our century as it came out of every place in the city where if no one had heard of it before About 25 years old, but fortunately there are a bunch of ways to eliminate and get rid of it.

The reasons for the emergence of bugs in the house

Shortly: bedbugs appear when they need a meal, here're some details.

Bedbugs feed mainly on blood as it is the main meal for them that works to complete their sexual organs and when they are completed, we find the necessity for that to be a set of blood meals as their full maturity stage needs about food only once each of Five to ten full days.

There is no appropriate time for the bugs to eat blood in them from the human body, as they surreptitiously suck the blood at any time, as the bite period for this insect takes about ten minutes, but it takes very small quantities, and thus the best time to bite it for a person is during his sleep it is still and does not move at all.

Bed bugs do not prefer to stay for long periods of time standing on the human body, especially since the body does not have thick hair and therefore cannot stand on the human body, and cling to it for long periods, especially since the person is in a state of continued movement.

The bug insect hides inside the bed and disguises it, provided that a person is bitten through it several times repeatedly in order to be fed and get blood each time, provided that the special shape of some bugs is in three bites in only one place of the body, especially For bed bugs.

Where can I search for bedbugs?

It is known that bugs are found in the areas where most people sleep, and they also live in the cracks in the bed, and there are many other places that bugs can live in which cannot be seen inside, and among those places are the following:

  1. It lives in the frames in the beds.
  2. Bed bugs can live in closed boxes.
  3. Bugs can also live in paints that get stuck in infusion and peeling.
  4. It may live under wallpaper that is not properly installed.
  5. It can live under the carpet.
  6. Can be found in upholstered furniture, especially in the folds between areas.
  7. Bed bugs may live in the area of ​​electrical outlets.
  8. The bug bug is characterized by that it moves easily and quickly.
  9. Bedbugs can move easily through fabric and clothing
  10. Bed bugs are fast moving faster than beetle insects.

It's an annoying insect that stings and leaves a trace on the skin.

How to recognize the presence of bedbugs in a place?

There are many signs by which it is possible to identify and confirm the spread of bedbugs in the place, and these signs include the following:

  1. Bugs appear larger than normal, have a brown color and an oval body.
  2. White bug eggs can spread between cracks in walls, ceilings, or even furniture.
  3. The presence of crusts that indicate the presence of bedbugs, as the bugs change the outer shell of the body, such as snakes.
  4. Spread of brown or black spots, which are the residues of bugs.
  5. The spread of small crevices in which the bug population lives.

In conclusion

On the reasons for the emergence of bugs in the house, we have presented to you in this interesting topic about a group of the most important types of bugs, as well as all the details of the life of bedbugs and the nature of their bite on humans and the extent of their damage to the health of the body so we hope that you have benefited from this topic greatly and clearly as long as you Fine.

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